Six Freedoms of the First Amendment

 The first amendment states the following:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The first amendment also has 6 clauses of freedom which includes:

  • Freedom From religion,

  • Freedom of religion

  • Speech

  • Press

  • Assembly

  • Petition

In the current Black Lives Matter Protests, the protestors have demonstrated the large exercising of the First Amendment. So many people have gotten involved in the movement that the protests have taken place all across the world, from the United States, across Europe, Canada, Australia, and even some in Asia and Africa. In the United States, Portland, Oregon has been one of the "hotspots" for the movement. The movement is such a controversial topic at the moment in the United States, debating if it is about "politics or lives." Some people also believe that the protestors must be stopped. However, if done so peacefully, they have the right to protest and assemble peacefully. A lot of these have been very peaceful, where assembly consists more of gathering to march and chant. However, some have included actions such as burning the American Flag. This is seen by some as very wrong and even violent. This is however protected by the First Amendment, as it is a symbol of their speech. These burning have been nonviolent, which is protected by the first amendment, and though it may not be favored by many, it ultimately does not matter, as it is their right and they have not directly harmed anyone in doing so. The peaceful protests have certainly been effective on raising awareness, though when violence occurs, it brings the wrong attention than they are seeking to the matter.

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