Blog 4: Antiwar Media

 Before getting this assignment, I had no idea that these websites even existed. ANTIWAR.COM  and American Conservative are not common sites I see. The antiwar website in particular contains a LOT of information, so much that it almost feels crowded. Some of the topics on both sites discuss things like Politics, Foreign Affairs, Donald Trump, and even different viewpoints on these topics. I think that because of what these involve, they are not promoted in a way that they would ever have an opportunity to be well known. The Government has a trend of almost hiding things that go against them. The sites include information about war and tension between the United States and other countries, such as Syria, which tends to be things we don't hear a ton about, unless there is something BIG going on. I found these sites to be very interesting to explore, and I think it is important to consider the news and overall information we are presented with daily and the way that they seem to lessen the severity of a lot of what is going on. It is definitely important to consider that many more sites like this exist that we are unaware of, which could potentially contain information crucial to our safety as Americans that we have a right to know. What we are presented daily in the media is never necessarily reporting truthfully to the extent of which the topics are actually current problems.


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