Eight Values of Free Expression


   The Eight values of Free Expression include:

1) Marketplace of ideas

2) Participation in Self-Government

3) Stable Change

4) Individual Self-Fulfillment

5) Check on Governmental Power

6) Promote Tolerance

7) Promote Innovation

8) Protect Dissent

    Each of these values help shape what we call Freedom of Speech. They are used to explain why freedom of expression is important as American Citizens, as well as explain what rights we have. The Value of Expression that stood out the most to me was Stable Change. Stable Change explains that a society in which citizens may be angry has the right of freely "speaking their minds" and will be more stable. The idea that they will be more stable is because they are able to "vent", so they will not resort to violence. Because they have the right to say what they want to say, they will be less likely to participate in violent acts. According to our class blog, "It has also been pointed out that allowing the alienated and discontented to speak freely enables government to better monitor potentially dangerous groups who would otherwise act more clandestinely."

I agree that allowing those who are angry could allow the government to identify and monitor groups who may potentially be dangerous, as well as how stable change should keep us from participating in violent acts. However, I almost disagree with this idea. I feel especially today, some people take their right to freedom of speech and expression, especially in times which they are angry, to the extreme. An example of this is in the recent protests and the flag burnings. Though this is legal and freedom of expression, it has sparked more anger in some, which has led to more violence. It has led to crimes like looting. I do think with these cases, it is also interesting to consider promoting tolerance, because by letting people carry out their protests peacefully, violence would be less likely to occur.

The Promote Tolerance theory is another interesting one to me. By protecting things we find hurtful or offensive, it is believed that this will teach us to be tolerant. By protecting hate speech, we allow constant exposure to Americans of things that may be harmful to them. While this can be harmful, it does allow us to express ourselves through freedom of speech, regardless if one agrees or disagrees that it is "hate speech." There will always be someone to disagree with what we say, and most likely there will be one person to misunderstand the message. Even if someone were to say something harmful or offensive to many people, though I do not promote that concept, I agree with promoting tolerance. We have to learn to be tolerant of each other and our diverse ideas. I think that it is also important to consider what is acceptable behavior and to not purposely try to offend others, but we also should consider it is protected by the first amendment, and everyone is entitled to their own opinions.




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