What did I learn from EOTO?

 During the Each One Teach One assignment, one of the most interesting things I learned about was the development of the World Wide Web, which is an information system which uses hypertext links to link together things like documents and images. I never knew that the World Wide Web was proposed as early as 1989, but it took until 1993 for it to be made available to the general public. It included multiple drafts, which started with "Enquire", then moved to the "World Wide Web", which included HTML and Hyper Markup Language. With the use of the World Wide Web, we are able to use the internet and access websites and connect with people all around the world. Though there are many positives to this creation, there are also many negatives. One of the biggest downsides is that people do have the ability to share things that may be deemed hate speech. Having access to so much information can become overwhelming to some, as we don't know how to handle the power of this.





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