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My Digital Footprint (Final Post)

  In a digital age which social media is used so much, particularly by younger generations, we often forget to consider the potential risks of these sites. A "Digital Footprint" is a data point left on the internet from our usage. It could be app usage, a Facebook post, Snapchat, or Google search. No matter what we do online, we leave a digital footprint. Even something that seems so private, such as a Skype call or an Email. It is important that we reflect on which sources we use and how they track us. My main sources of Social Media include the following:                                                                                                                                              Instagram:   Instagram is the Social Media platform I use the most. I have had an account since 6th grade, so my footprint here is probably huge. I have two accounts, both private. The main account I use used to be public and is the first account I made, which has almost 2,000 followe

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